Friday, August 29, 2008

Let us run

Let me start by saying how thankful I am for this time of learning and humbling. Clint was supposed to have left with his parents for Oregon 2 days ago, our house is now listed for less than what it was when we bought it 4 years ago, and our dear friend is lying in a hospital bed in excruciating pain after yet another surgery. To say the least, nothing is going the way we planned it. We know that this is the way God usually works, right?, always orchestrating life so differently than what we see, or think we see. We are often guilty of attempting to normalize God, thinking that life should play out a certain way and questioning when it doesn't. We know that we should trust while waiting, but our heart is not always there. At some point though, we surrender...and stop doubting, stop wanting answers, stop reasoning, and we are able to praise our Lord for his unexplainable ways, his untameable ways.

Our friend in the hospital, RD, has ministered more to his visitors rather than the other way around. He is constantly showing gratitude to the nurses, even the janitorial staff. He offers life-giving words to the people around him while he fights for his life. His wife Jill has also been fighting, for joy and strength, and both have stood firm, unwavering in their faith, praising and thanking God along the way. So, let us thank God for his ways being so far from normal, and while we wait, let us run...let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us (Heb 12).

Rachel McKinnis