Monday, June 29, 2009

Jesus wept.

Oh sunday afternoon, how my heart breaks with compassion when you arrive. and you haven't left yet...

i'm still moved by my friend battling cancer. he plays guitar and sings, while another lady, and sometimes me, join in singing as well. yesterday was our last time for a long, long time. he sang with so much passion praising Jesus. it was special, emotional, and beautiful. i don't want it to be our last time. please no.

"Jesus wept."

Remember that story when Jesus stopped as mary was crying about lazarus being dead? Jesus wept.

Jesus felt the pain and was moved so much that all he could do was cry.

That was me yesterday afternoon. i had nothing but extreme sadness for the situation, but stopped the tears at least about 5 times. and today the sadness and compassion for my friend is still deep in my heart.

i was thinking last night about how we are created in the image of God. That we are the hands and feet of Jesus. it became a little more real to me as i reflected on yesterday afternoon. we are created to feel compassion for our brothers and sisters. we walk this earth to meet, pass, greet, and learn from others. and part of that process is to just express our deepest emotions through tears.

Jesus is crying for my friend. he's already taking care of him. thank you, Jesus. honestly, thank you. it brings so much peace to me and a lot of us out here. Our friend is not alone in this battle.

Much love,

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer break!

Hi friends! I'm a teacher so that means summer break! Woo hoo! I just love this refreshing time of the year. My summer break started off with a really fun girls weekend last weekend. The girls had a sleepover and then headed the wildlife safari in Winston, Oregon. The boys headed towards the mountains (I believe) and did a camping trip. I wanted to post some pictures that my friend Allison took and let you experience what all the ladies experienced. The safari was a lot of fun and we all really enjoyed it!

I heard before that if you are on a church plant and you are still getting along then you are doing pretty well. I'm sure that the person stated that comment a little bit better then what I just said. Anyway, it is so great that I still want to be a part of this church plant, that I don't want to leave Eugene, and that I am growing a lot from my relationships with the team. And I'm also grateful for the new friends I have made here in Eugene, whether that be my choir friends, co-workers at my school, or the guys and gals at Lamb's Cottage. That is a huge praise!

I also want to echo staci's post. Thank you to all the people that read this blog. It is an encouragement to hear that people actually do read this and want to know what's going on in our lives. If any of our fans of this blog ever have something you want to share with us please feel free to email us at or leave a comment on our blog. It makes us feel cool! :)

Much love,
Stacie :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Simple Thoughts and Thankfulness

I was out this morning on our patio reading and journaling a bit. As I reflected on our visit back to Indiana I realized how spiritually and emotionally refreshed and encouraged I feel. Last Sunday evening (our current trial house church night) we were talking about different things and it was mentioned how encouraging it was to be around all sorts of people that are interested and invested in our mission here in Oregon. It is so encouraging to hear all of our friends and family in Indiana are praying for us daily; which amounts to a lot of prayers a lot of times the day. That is such a comfort.

Also, upon returning to Oregon I feel a bit more charged and motivated to live into the call that brought us here. There are many reasons for this. For one, I am reminded that I did not leave my family, friends, and familiarity in order to live close to the mountains. I moved away from those dear people for a purpose and to follow a call. And, I feel like getting lazy with that call in some ways lets those of you believing, missing, and praying for us down. I of course know that you are all very proud of us. I guess I am just realizing that without your prayers, and ours as well, I am vulnerable to complacency and discouragement.

So, I thank our family and our friends for continuing to believe in that for which God has brought us here. I have not lost faith, but sometimes I get lazy. Thank you for aiding in renewing that sense of the call and for investing your prayers to help open doors and keep us going. Thank you for loving us and for praying.

Staci (with an "i" ;))

This is a picture of one of the crazy squirrels I told many of you about at the top of Black Butte. This is not the one, however, that belly flopped on my leg! (He was too good for our carrots. He wanted the sweet stuff!)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Friends and Family

I just got back last night from 10 days in Indiana. It was such a great time visiting friends and family. Rachel and the kids are still in Nappannee hanging out with her parents until June 23rd. I had to go to the grocery store today and felt completely helpless. I was on the phone with Rachel the whole time asking what to get and where to find it. I am such a loser...ha! I could spend so much of my time writing about how much fun we had and how great it was to spend some quality time with our family and friends but that would take way too long. I will just say that I deeply cherished the time we spent with family and friends and that we miss them all so much. I'm thankful for family and friends who love us so much that they pray for us, feed us, house us, invest in us, and believe in us so much. That gives us confidence and encouragement as we press on towards the goal carrying on the mission of Jesus in Eugene. It is often difficult being so far away from family and friends, especially when we have such good relationships with one another. If you are reading this post, please know that we love you very much and we are so thankful for your prayerful, relational, and spiritual investment into our lives and into our new church. We covet your prayers so much and consider you all very much a part of what we are doing here in Eugene. That's all I have for now. I just wanted you all to know that we had a such a great time seeing everyone and have many special memories from our time back home again in Indiana. I will post some pictures of our recent trip home when Rachel and the kids get back!
