Monday, August 25, 2008


Greetings from Eugene. It is currently 12:57 a.m. and I am sitting in front of this MacBook with thoughts flowing through my mind that I can't seem to stop or even ignore to escape to my slumber.

So, I write.

I've found this blogging to be therapeutic at times; so, please excuse me while I take full advantage of this avenue of expression. I continue to sound like a broken record within my own head, questioning my purpose in Eugene. Somehow, I get swept up in this current of thoughts and feelings, and convince myself that I should doubt or feel uneasy. It would only make sense, in my finite mind, that if I am feeling peace through a time of unemployment and a decreased social network, that I have somehow missed it. I have been reading "The Shack" by William P. Young, and have learned a great deal from this brilliant, fictional story. Mack, the lead character, has built up a resistance to God because of some tragic events in his life, and has formulated questions needing answers. I know Mack. Mack is me...minus the tragic events. In this beautiful pursuit of God toward Mack, he learns of this amazing, unfailing love. All of these questions that he has angrily stashed away, come flooding out; however, it is not on his own agenda. God meets Mackenzie Phillips exactly where he stands, angry, bitter, and full of resentment.

In the same way, I feel like I've built up all of these questions here in Eugene. I want God to answer them all now, leaving out no details. Throughout the story, God appears to Mack as a glowing, older African-American woman. Now, we could probably debate at this point about God being a man or woman, but we'll save that for another time (or maybe not another time). The point of God's female appearance is that He was exactly who Mack needed Him to be. Mack needed to know that God is compassionate and gentle, much like a loving grandmother. It is also important to point out that God's purpose in all of this was to glorify Himself more through Mack's life. He works through all things to glorify Himself. That's not egocentric. That's God.

God continues to reveal Himself more fully to us, the city Eugene, and the whole world. He meets us where we're at for His sake and for His glory. Isn't it beautiful? Please continue to pray that we will get lost in God's current, taking us wherever He wants us to be.

Sleep awaits. Goodnight.
