Thursday, March 19, 2009

Living in Eugene

I love this city. It's good for me to be here.

I don't worry about the same things as I did when I was living in Indy. People don't really care what you look like. Any outfit, and I honestly mean any outfit, is acceptable here. No one looks at anyone different. You can go into some of the restaurants downtown and you will find so many different people crammed into a little building. Some of the best places to go here in eugene are also the smallest, go figure. I find that people are friendly, will talk to you if you talk to them, and the pace of life is so much slower. People are really trying to take advantage of the present life. People like to get out and experience as much as humanly possible.

God is so present here in this city. I'm so blessed to be able to partake in what He is already doing. He's one step ahead of us, watching out for us, and guiding us.

Much love,
Stacie :)


Bill and Julie said...

Hey Team,
It's exciting to hear the news of how things are unfolding out there and your patient endurance in the work to which you have all been called. Please know that we are praying for you all and looking forward to having you apart of our upcoming vision sunday here at CG. We are thankful for the opportunity to partner with you all for the sake of the Gospel. May you never lose site of the end to which we have all been called. Living stones being built into the spiritual house of God.

Peace to you all