Thursday, March 12, 2009

Goodbye Eugene...

Maybe it's that Eugene doesn't need you...
Rather, you need Eugene.

I will never forget these words spoken by Larry Mitchell on a building-top in Toronto this past summer. It seemed like a great idea, and I felt like I should embrace it. So I did...I thought.

I arrived to Eugene August 9, 2008 eager to take on the world, or Eugene, or...I was just plain eager. I knew God was doing something cool in our lives back in Indianapolis, and I was certain He'd continue out in Eugene. He didn't disappoint. In these past several months, I have experienced hurt, joy, laughter, friendship (like the real kind), community ( the real kind), blessing, fear, love, and the list goes on. I can't always say that I've felt close to God, but I am certain He was not far. God has continued to purify my heart, making me into something more useful for His Kingdom.

Tonight is my last evening here in Eugene, and it stings a bit. It doesn't sting with regret, guilt, or fear of making a wrong decision; rather, it stings with leaving a city that has loved me well. I set out on this mission to love the people of Eugene as accurately as I knew how, but I'll admit, I've learned more about "loving" from the people here than I was actually following through on the action. My colleagues at work have rallied around me through hard days, and willingly shared in my joys. My community has reached out to me when I needed REALLY needed it...and has taught me how to be a brother in Christ. My friend Mike has not only helped me realize my own discriminatory heart, but has been relentless in his pursuit for our friendship. Eugene has loved me well.

I am a transformed son of God because He has allowed me to struggle through these times of unfamiliarity, loneliness, and culture shock. He has orchestrated such beautiful friendships, conversations, and situations to allow me to see that there may be more about me or my life or this world that I've been missing for 24 years. In the past week, I've had the opportunity to travel to northern California to see the mammoth redwoods, to the Pacific coast to see sculpted rock formations, and to Crater Lake to see a pristine lake 6 miles across, and God has been speaking one resounding message to me...I'm small. I'm not insignificant to the Kingdom, but Eugene is going to be fine without me. This church body is going to be fine without me. Center Point School is going to be fine without me.

And, so, with a grateful heart, I say goodbye to the very city that was willing to welcome me in. Thank you to all who have prayed for us out here. Please continue to battle for Clint, Rachel, Stacie, CJ, Staci, Derek, Sarah, Drew, Elias, and Jael through your prayers. This is right, and they are the right people for this city.

I love you all,