Sunday, July 12, 2009


Have you ever listened to your heartbeat? Pretty crazy huh? I mean, this muscle keeps pace like the rhythm of a metronome for our entire lives. Sometimes it accelerates quickly like when we are going up a flight of stairs or see a large bee (not me). And, sometimes it seems to drag on slowly like after a nice three hour nap (Drew knows what I am talking about). But, in general, we go about our daily lives not ever noticing the 80 beats per minute it ticks along. My Mom was just out here for a few days and it was a lot of fun having her in Oregon. We drove around and saw the coast, the mountains, and even a couple waterfalls up close. Whenever we have visitors, I tend to reflect on life out here. I am not sure why that is; maybe I am able to slow down a little bit and begin to notice all of the things going on around me. My life has become increasing busy over the last six months, mainly because 40 hours a week of it is spent in a bank, but also because we have met some great friends out here and have spent a lot of time hanging with them. Amongst this business challenges have also arisen. There are times where I wonder how things are going to work out, how bills will be paid, and how our future is going to look. I worry myself about these questions and most of the time try to figure it out on my own accord. Recently, Staci and I have seen answers to these challenges come about in ways we couldn't have anticipated. Now that I reflect on this, I realize that God is behind all of it, He always has been and always will be. Unfortunately, I do not take the time to sit and enjoy this truth enough. I notice it, but then I continue on with my "busy" day. This is not completely unlike noticing my heartbeat. Our Father is always working for us, always loving us, always. He tells Moses that His name is "I Am." He is always present, even when we aren't paying attention. I desire to slow down so that I can see more clearly the work He is doing in my life. I want to be more in tune to His voice, which David says in the Psalms is like a gentle whisper. So, as I am quiet enough to hear the melodic bass in my chest, maybe I can hear the gentle words of my Creator whispering "I Am."