Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Strings of memories

I don't know where to start with this. To be honest, I've tried to write this little journal entry 2 previous times (both of them I deleted). So I sit here procrastinating other things to attempt try #3.

In my staff lounge there are some things hanging on the wall. There's 2 long thin pieces of string with small, cute paper clips attached. Attached to those paper clips are little squares of fabric. On the little pieces of fabric are memories written down for two incredible special ladies. Both are co-workers. One string belongs to a lady who was diagnosed with a brain tumor last spring and is currently not doing well. The other string belongs to a lady who has stage 4 lung cancer and has never smoked in her life. Oh they are beautiful strings of memories.

I wrote one today and clipped it on the string. I have one more to write and have until tomorrow to write it and am still unable to think of what to put on that little piece of fabric. Oh string of memories you are seriously breaking my heart.

I love this little project and it brings me so much joy. It's a gift that I know these ladies will truly love and cherish. Yet all I can do is cry thinking about it because I can see the faces of the ladies reading, or have them read to them, the little pieces of fabric. And as I envision them reading them I see tears run down their faces. I know they will be tears of joy.

So as I process this holiday season I am starting to think more and more about what I would write on a little piece of fabric for the people in my life that I care about. I challenge you to think more about how much people mean to you during this season and maybe even pass them a note telling them so.

Much love,
Stacie :)