Thursday, May 21, 2009

Recent Events...

We've been having fun with our friends!
Jael's Birthday

At the Dunes

Picnic in the park

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Random thoughts!

I haven't written lately so I just wanted to say hello to all those that read this blog somewhat consistently. My family has been here now for 5 months. I can't believe how fast the first 5 months have flown by. Looking back, I am really amazed at how much has happened in that time. For starters, our family has met some really neat friends who live in our same apartment complex. There are 5 little children, including Elias and Jael, under the age of 4 that play all the time together, when it's not raining of course...ha! I have found my hang out spot where I study and have formed good relationships with the staff there. I just started my new part-time physical therapy job last week and I'm hoping I'll meet some new friends there. Our church family is continuing to be intentional in building friendships and spending quality time with each other and our new friends. We continue to gather on Wednesday nights to study the Scriptures and pray. We are beginning a study of Mark 1:14-18 and spending the next 3 months discussing the gospel. Our church has linked up with a Kingdom minded ministry in Eugene that works with the poor and homeless and have been able to join in to what they are doing for the 'least of these' in Eugene. That's just a snap shot!

I am very excited about how God has moved since we've been here, yet I know that we have much room for growth, namely in the area of prayer. Why is it that we talk so much about prayer but have such a difficult time actually praying? At least that's the way it is for me. I really think God is lovingly forming us into a praying church during this season of our church plant. Not that we don't pray, but that we live and understand the mission out of an overflow of prayer. That every decision we make and every relationship we're in is bathed in prayer. Prayer that God would lead us by His Spirit. Prayer that God would continually prepare our hearts for the mission. Prayer that God would soften the hearts of our friends. Prayer that God would open doors for us to share the gospel. Prayer that God would give us courage to walk through the doors when they open. Prayer that we would never be ashamed of the gospel. Prayer that God's Kingdom would come, that God's will would be done, in Eugene as it is in Heaven.

I think being on mission is becoming all things to all people (1 Cor 9:22-23) but if that's not led by the Spirit and bathed in prayer, then it is devoid of God's power. Being here for 5 months now, I can say with 100% certainty that we NEED God's power to plant this church. I might have known that intellectually before I came, but I'm understanding it experientially now. I'm just thankful that God is patient enough with me in the process. What an amazing God we serve!



"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water,
that sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when the heat comes;
it's leaves are always green.
It has no worries in the year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit."
Jeremiah 17:7-8

Oftentimes, when I find myself in a bit of a drought, I waste a lot of time in my own mind, in wonder, and in fear. I sit and wait, expecting an "ah-ha" moment to magically enter my thoughts. And, God is gracious enough to plant those thoughts, even in the midst of my distrust; but, sometimes I don 't recognize or receive it. I have recently found myself in this position. I've been sitting and waiting for an "ah-ha" thinking that it would come from my own thoughts and will power. At last it came. My big "ah-ha" moment came as a subtle reminder that being consumed by my own thoughts has never done me any good---perhaps I should seek my guidance, hope, and instruction from the Bible! AH-HA! God always speaks there, right?!

So, yet again, I have begun to seek rather than sit. And, the verse above is what I received. I suppose we've all found ourselves in some sort of drought. It can be so many different things and come in so many different ways. However, what's the same is that in the middle of the drought, God remains. He continues to have a plan; to pursue us and remain faithful. No matter how dry and desolate circumstances may seem, God is hope. He has always and will always remain a God of love and provision who truly desires the best for us all. He is trustworthy.